Startupweekend Boston was a blast again! This time I wasn't involved as much in any team because of some stuff that came up, but I was still able to help out the "Couch Potato" team. I was very rushed though, specially for the video, so they are far from finished products. It took me about 2 hours to brainstorm and make the Logo, and the video I threw together in like 40 minutes. As far as the video, I really put it up only because the sound is pretty funny.. Hope you enjoy :)
Hey, check out the newest version of the logo that i just finished
I Designed the logo, twitter page, and other graphical elements shown on the website. is the winner of Startup Weekend Boston, summer 2010. We were automatically placed on the Mass Challenge competition, and got a number of other prizes. Our amazing team, which was able to build the site in less than 24 hours of work, was composed of Graphic Designers, User Interface designers, Developers, Social Media and Marketing/Business people. Here are the team members: Alec Berryman, Ben Riseman, Catherine Duffy, Craig Krigsman, David Kressel, Jason Nochlin, Mike Altman, Pascal Rettig, Sidi Gomes and Yifei Zhang The site is not yet finished, so dont expect full functionality; but when it is finished you will be able to: paste a video link (URL from Youtube), then see the video in our theater setting; then click on the small characters/hecklers in the bottom and insert funny comments as you are seeing the video. At then end you would get a URL that would have all of your comments on the video. You would then be able to send it to your friends to see not only the video, but your comments at the exact same time you put them in. They could then insert their own comments or make fun of your comments, and they would get a new url in the the end that would have both your comments and their comments; and they could send this new URL back to you, or other friends. It is basically a video commentary mashup, where only the best comments would get passed around. And of course you would see only comments from people you cared about, or that had some unique feature that made your friend pass it along to you - Not the pile of garbage comments one usually finds on Youtube.
the WORKSHOP... works IN PROGRESS/the latest/the RANDOM...
May 2020