It's coming up!!! 😃 CIC is #growing! Building that I helped #design in Philadelphia is #underconstruction 🔨 and going well! It's the events and gathering space called #Quorum. Next to it will be Ucity Tower, whose lobby and arrival experience I have had a big part in designing as well. #CICPhiladelphia will be located inside the tower. Can't wait for the opening, summer 2018!! #architecture. It is the first building in the USA that I have had a big part in shaping. The funny part is that it is literally 2 blocks away from my architecture undergraduate studio at #UPENN where my architecture career started!
The architect of record for this building is ZGF. They also fully designed the tower which is attached to the Quorum building. #UniversityCityScienceCenter & #CICtower in #PHILLY
the WORKSHOP... works IN PROGRESS/the latest/the RANDOM...
May 2020